Loving Others

Yes, and......

We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too. ! Thessalonians 2:8 (NLT)

The other day I was at my daughter’s house playing with my grandkids. My older grandson (the Little Dude) announced that he could count to 100. Then he asked if I wanted to hear it. I said Yes! As I sat there listening to him count, I wondered….what would our lives be like if we paid this much attention to others as they were doing things?

A little later, my youngest grandson (the Little Prince) came up and asked if I would play with him. I said yes and went to the room and sat down on the floor. I said “What do you want to play?” He handed me a car. I sat there a little lost in thought and he said “Aren’t you going to play?” I thought I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me!

I relayed the story of my youngest grandson to my son. He and my husband are masters at playing with the Little Dude and the Little Prince. I noted that apparently I wasn’t playing correctly. He said “That’s because when you play with them it has to be a ‘Yes, and.’” I said “What?”

“When they ask you to play, your response has to be “Yes, and…as you say it, you have to lean in and be excited and you have to take it to the next level with the “and.”  “Yes, and I will be the dinosaur” or “Yes, and let’s play hide and seek.” He said you have to enthusiastically say Yes and then really engage….really get involved in the task.

This made me think of Jesus. He did this. He didn’t just walk around nodding at people saying “God bless you.” He did the “Yes, and.” For Zacchaeus, “Yes, I see you and let’s go to your house for dinner.” For the woman at the well, “Yes, I know your life is a mess and let’s have a conversation so you will know how valuable you are.” For Peter, “Yes, I know you are going to say and do things that you will regret and I am going to stay and not leave you. Then you will see me.” There are so many.

What if we leaned into other’s lives like this? What if even when we were busy or distracted we noticed people like Jesus does. Notice I said ‘does’ there? What if we responded to their questions or His promptings with an enthusiastic, leaning in posture and said “Yes, and…..”

This way of living takes more time. It means we are really not in control (which for some of us is hard). But I have to ask myself, what if Jesus didn’t do this with me? Where would I be? I am so thankful that in my life He has said (over and over again).. Yes, and…..Aren’t you?

Sharing Your Shoes

“Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.” Hebrews 2:18 NLT

Recently, we went on a family vacation to the beach. Four generations of extended family came together to spend some time enjoying God’s creation and each other. My parents, our daughter and son and our two grandkids were there making it extra special. Each day we’d go to the beach, hang out together, play in the water and the sand and really enjoy family.

One day we arrived on the beach to find something that didn’t feel like such a blessing. Biting flies. These smallish flies were buzzing all around. Not a big deal right? Wrong. They would land on you and quickly bite you before you could shoo them away. It stung and was super annoying. And they were fast. It seemed like they were just coming up out of the sand.

A family members volunteered to walk back to the house and get the bug spray. They came back with the adult bug spray but not the bug spray for the kids. The adults started spraying themselves to get some relief from the biting. I asked my daughter if she wanted some of the bug spray and she said no. Then she followed with “I want to know what the kids are experiencing so I can know how to take care of them.”

This mama (and γιαγιά‘s) heart loved that response. Her concern for her kids was greater than her discomfort. As I pondered this, I realized I too have someone to take care of me like that. Jesus.

Jesus left heaven, the ultimate place of beauty, love and glorious unity, to come here to earth so he would understand what I walked through. He gave up comfort to experience discomfort. He gave up safety to make sure I was safe. He came to this world full of jealousy, hate, anger and temptations to understand the circumstances and temptations I would face. He did that for all of us.

Why? Because he loves us that much. He loves us so much he personally identified with us. He put himself in our shoes so as we walked our journeys, we would know that we mattered. We matter so much that he was willing to give it all for us. Jesus can and does comfort us in whatever we are dealing with. He experienced the same things when he was here. Maybe he knew. Maybe he knew that the realization that I am not alone as I live on this earth, that the One I turn to knows exactly what I am going through, maybe he knew that would help on this not always so easy journey.

I am so thankful Jesus put himself in my shoes. It matters to my heart. And as I write this I wonder, do I have the same love my daughter has for her kids and Jesus had for me for others? Am I willing to be uncomfortable to help someone else? Am I willing to sacrifice to come along side and help another person? 

Jesus, please make my heart like yours. Please break my heart for what breaks yours and help me to live like you did, to put myself in other’s shoes and come along side them in love. I love you, Amen.

Smiling Eyes

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 (NIV)

Just after the holidays I had to go to the airport to pick someone up. They were flying in from an international trip. Not sure if you’ve ever had to wait outside customs for someone coming into the US but it usually takes a while.

The place wasn’t very full which is understandable with COVID. There is less air travel so less people waiting to pick someone up. I sat for a minute. Then I got up and stood by the railing. As I was standing there, I was watching people, looking at my phone and trying to not be bored. The time to get through customs varies. Sometimes it is really fast and sometimes it can take an hour or more. You have to show up wearing your patience.

As I was looking at my phone, I heard a high pitched squeal. I looked up to see a young girl running to someone and jumping on them. She was so delighted. You couldn’t help but smile. A short time later, I heard another squeal and again a young girl ran around the bannisters shouting “Papi! Papi!” as she jumped into his arms.

The excitement and delight in their squeals of joy was contagious. It made me wonder why we don’t do more of that. When we see someone we love, do they know we are super excited to see them? When we great a friend can they see the joy in our eyes letting them know we are happy to be together? When we live together as families, when a family member walks into the house, do we stop what we are doing to go greet them? I bet all of this happens less than it should.

As I stood there and pondered this, I remembered that Jesus said that we should be like little children. They are so delighted in the small things and everything is special. I wondered why I don’t do this more.

I seriously contemplated jumping up and down and squealing when the two young men I was picking up came into the waiting area. Then I remember that they are 15 and I think they would be so embarrassed the effort would have backfired. I did walk up and hug them and tell them I was glad they were home.

During this time of COVID, we don’t see each other enough and when we do go out, we see each other behind masks. But guess what? When you are truly smiling, your eyes smile too. Maybe we could also make it a point to smile with our eyes at everyone we meet. We all need extra love right now. Let’s love like little children.


Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. John 15:4 (NLT)

My husband and I were going away for the weekend to celebrate our anniversary. I’d been traveling for 3 weeks and we decided we needed some time away. A family member opened up their home by a beautiful lake for us to use so we decided to take food with us to eat at the house. The morning we were going to leave, we decided to go to the grocery store.

We walked in and were shocked. Quite a few of the tables that normally were laden with fruits and veges were bare. Most of the staples we buy were not to be found. It was pretty disconcerting. As we walked around the store, we noticed the same in the frozen vegetable isle, the bread isle, etc. We adjusted and bought some other things and were on our way.

As I said, I had been traveling for 3 weeks so we were running low on some essentials. Don’t laugh but toilet paper was one of them. We were hearing all the stories of people hoarding toilet paper. Hard to believe during a situation like this that that’s what people are focusing on. Anyway, we were in the country so we decided to look there to see if what we experienced was just a “city” thing or a phenomena all over. We tried a couple of stores and they had food, but no toilet paper. LOL!

I am not going to even try to figure out the psychology behind that. I was however trying to figure out what I was feeling in my own head. I am finding this whole experience disturbing. In America, most of us have more than enough. Some of us have more than enough in our pantries to keep us fed for a long time. Yet, we are so fearful of being without. Granted, there are people who are not in that situation….and I bet they are not the ones in the stores hoarding food. As I said, disturbing.

As I prayed about it, I heard God say “Remain in me.” We are branches connected to the Vine of Jesus Christ. We need to stay connected all the time. During scary, disconcerting times. During hard times of sickness or job loss. During times of abundance and times of lean. During happy times where we get to celebrate good things. We always need to stay connected so we can, no matter what our circumstances, share the Jesus we know.

Nick and I have made a decision that we will share what we have during this time, no matter what. Even if we think we don’t have enough, we are going to be Jesus with skin on. We are going to reach out our neighbors and folks we know to make sure they are doing OK. We are asking God to show us how to help where we can. There are a lot of people trying to do this.

I think the harder thing is to really stay connected. To trust that God’s got this and he is in it with us. To trust that no matter what is changing in our lives, no matter how upside down it feels that we are still in the care of a loving Father. Remain. Stay connected. No matter what.

What's Your Corner Look Like?

Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:2 (NLT)

Recently, someone that worked with my husband passed away. It was sudden. No one was expecting it. Her story is unusual.

She started coming to the restaurant with her mom when she was little. Her mom worked there as a waitress and Margaret would come and do her homework at one of the tables. After she graduated from high school, she started working at the restaurant. I am not sure in what role she started but eventually, she became a waitress. After many years in that role, she became a manager.

She worked at the restaurant for over 35 years. This was the only job she had ever had. Every day, greeting strangers and serving them.

After she passed, the restaurant decided to put on an event to celebrate her life. I expected a handful of people; family and friends. I got there early to help and to my surprise, the place was filling up before the event even began.

As the evening wore on, the restaurant became packed. There were between 150 and 200 people that came out to pay their respects and so many more who couldn’t make it because of other commitments. As I walked around talking to people, one theme stood out. It was her kindness and giving. Every person I talked to shared how she helped them in some way. Every person talked about how loving she was.

According to the world’s standards, her life would not be rated as a success. She worked one job, as a waitress, for her entire working career. She didn’t have a lot of money. She had no accolades to show for it. But what she didn’t have in those things, she made up for in love.

She loved well. She cared about people and made the effort to show it. Her life impacted so many people and made their world better and brighter. The love that poured from her in that restaurant changed that particular corner of the world.

Truly, what Jesus meant when he said “Love one another.”

It's All About Relationship

A minute in God’s Word will change your life. Take a moment to read the text below and then answer the questions at the bottom of the post.

Then God gave the people all these instructions[:
“I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery.
“You must not have any other god but me.
“You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me. But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those[b] who love me and obey my commands.
“You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name.
“Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. On that day no one in your household may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.
12 “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
13 “You must not murder.
14 “You must not commit adultery.
15 “You must not steal.
16 “You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.
17 “You must not covet your neighbor’s house. You must not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.”

What are the first four commandments about?
What are the last six about?
Given this, what do you think is important to God?
Is there another Bible text that sums these up?

Love Isn't Always Easy

He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)

Our church is doing a merger. We are joining two congregations together into one church. Everyone has said this is really hard to do. And it’s different.

Two different cultures, two different sets of people who do not do things in the same way. You can imagine that this might not be a totally smooth process. Right?

But I’ve witnessed something amazing as we walk through this. And I believe it’s what the Bible talks about when it talks about unity. Unity doesn’t mean everyone looks the same, thinks the same or acts the same. It doesn’t mean that you get to the goal using the same methods. It means that you walk together toward the goal while loving each other.

And what is that goal? Jesus. We all want to be a church that is following the mission of Jesus, to go and make disciples.

Each of us is specifically created by God to be who we are. Each of us is different by God’s design. I was designed to love you with my heart (not my sister’s or my friend’s.) And hopefully, I am loving you in a way that reaches your heart. We don’t have to show love to each other in the same way but, we do need to love with Jesus’ heart.

When you are sitting in a room of 20 people, discussing the path the body should take, it’s not all going to look the same. There will be different opinions, different beliefs. But, with prayer and continued conversations, taking into account the mission you are on together and other people’s perspectives, eventually you get to the place where you agree.

It’s a process. Love is a process. Following God is a process. I love how God designed us so that during that process we all are different but walk together with the same focus. And when you see it, it is a beautiful thing!

A Good Inconvenience

This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. John 15:12-13 (MSG)

What do you think that means? “Put your life on the line for your friends.”

Does it mean take a minute away from what you are doing to do something for someone else? Does it mean to take time? To stop, to linger, to be present?

In our fast paced society with a to-do list longer than we can possibly accomplish, we regularly push through what needs to get done never touching anyone in a meaningful way. And, when we do think we need to help, we schedule it in. God forbid we just stop, in the middle of the chaos and touch.

As I write these words, I know I am a huge offender in this department. My schedule gets really full. I do schedule time to see people not because I feel like I have to but because I want to. I truly want to spend time and catch up.

But there are times in the middle of the circus where God says “Call.” And I think “When am I going to do that?” The answer should be now. Always now. If I stop and call and listen, truly listen without focusing on my agenda or my schedule that is when the Holy Spirit moves. That is when the bonding happens and not only have I loved on someone, I too have been filled with love.

This text in other versions says “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” We read that and think we have to physically die to fulfill it, like Jesus did. But Jesus also laid down his life every single day. He stopped to talk to people. He listened and interacted. He was present.

Maybe, just maybe laying down our life simply means to be inconvenienced so we can love. Taking myself out of the center and someone else in is exactly what Jesus did. We should die like that…..often.