Sharing Your Shoes

“Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.” Hebrews 2:18 NLT

Recently, we went on a family vacation to the beach. Four generations of extended family came together to spend some time enjoying God’s creation and each other. My parents, our daughter and son and our two grandkids were there making it extra special. Each day we’d go to the beach, hang out together, play in the water and the sand and really enjoy family.

One day we arrived on the beach to find something that didn’t feel like such a blessing. Biting flies. These smallish flies were buzzing all around. Not a big deal right? Wrong. They would land on you and quickly bite you before you could shoo them away. It stung and was super annoying. And they were fast. It seemed like they were just coming up out of the sand.

A family members volunteered to walk back to the house and get the bug spray. They came back with the adult bug spray but not the bug spray for the kids. The adults started spraying themselves to get some relief from the biting. I asked my daughter if she wanted some of the bug spray and she said no. Then she followed with “I want to know what the kids are experiencing so I can know how to take care of them.”

This mama (and γιαγιά‘s) heart loved that response. Her concern for her kids was greater than her discomfort. As I pondered this, I realized I too have someone to take care of me like that. Jesus.

Jesus left heaven, the ultimate place of beauty, love and glorious unity, to come here to earth so he would understand what I walked through. He gave up comfort to experience discomfort. He gave up safety to make sure I was safe. He came to this world full of jealousy, hate, anger and temptations to understand the circumstances and temptations I would face. He did that for all of us.

Why? Because he loves us that much. He loves us so much he personally identified with us. He put himself in our shoes so as we walked our journeys, we would know that we mattered. We matter so much that he was willing to give it all for us. Jesus can and does comfort us in whatever we are dealing with. He experienced the same things when he was here. Maybe he knew. Maybe he knew that the realization that I am not alone as I live on this earth, that the One I turn to knows exactly what I am going through, maybe he knew that would help on this not always so easy journey.

I am so thankful Jesus put himself in my shoes. It matters to my heart. And as I write this I wonder, do I have the same love my daughter has for her kids and Jesus had for me for others? Am I willing to be uncomfortable to help someone else? Am I willing to sacrifice to come along side and help another person? 

Jesus, please make my heart like yours. Please break my heart for what breaks yours and help me to live like you did, to put myself in other’s shoes and come along side them in love. I love you, Amen.