Yes, and......

We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too. ! Thessalonians 2:8 (NLT)

The other day I was at my daughter’s house playing with my grandkids. My older grandson (the Little Dude) announced that he could count to 100. Then he asked if I wanted to hear it. I said Yes! As I sat there listening to him count, I wondered….what would our lives be like if we paid this much attention to others as they were doing things?

A little later, my youngest grandson (the Little Prince) came up and asked if I would play with him. I said yes and went to the room and sat down on the floor. I said “What do you want to play?” He handed me a car. I sat there a little lost in thought and he said “Aren’t you going to play?” I thought I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me!

I relayed the story of my youngest grandson to my son. He and my husband are masters at playing with the Little Dude and the Little Prince. I noted that apparently I wasn’t playing correctly. He said “That’s because when you play with them it has to be a ‘Yes, and.’” I said “What?”

“When they ask you to play, your response has to be “Yes, and…as you say it, you have to lean in and be excited and you have to take it to the next level with the “and.”  “Yes, and I will be the dinosaur” or “Yes, and let’s play hide and seek.” He said you have to enthusiastically say Yes and then really engage….really get involved in the task.

This made me think of Jesus. He did this. He didn’t just walk around nodding at people saying “God bless you.” He did the “Yes, and.” For Zacchaeus, “Yes, I see you and let’s go to your house for dinner.” For the woman at the well, “Yes, I know your life is a mess and let’s have a conversation so you will know how valuable you are.” For Peter, “Yes, I know you are going to say and do things that you will regret and I am going to stay and not leave you. Then you will see me.” There are so many.

What if we leaned into other’s lives like this? What if even when we were busy or distracted we noticed people like Jesus does. Notice I said ‘does’ there? What if we responded to their questions or His promptings with an enthusiastic, leaning in posture and said “Yes, and…..”

This way of living takes more time. It means we are really not in control (which for some of us is hard). But I have to ask myself, what if Jesus didn’t do this with me? Where would I be? I am so thankful that in my life He has said (over and over again).. Yes, and…..Aren’t you?