Thursday, Mar 16

Jesus said to him, “Go your way. Your son will live.” The man put his trust in what Jesus said and left. John 4:50 (NLV)

The man came to Jesus because his son was sick and dying. Jesus told him "Go home. He'll be fine." The Bible says the man put his trust in him and left. WOW. Why did he trust Jesus? Was it the rumors he heard about him? Was it stories other people shared about their encounters with him? Did he personally experience Jesus prior to this moment?

If any of these are the reasons he trusted Jesus, why don't we? We've heard things about him. We've listened to stories others have shared and we've even heard stories about miracles. And we've probably encountered him personally. So......why do we not trust him?

The Bible doesn't say the man said "Well, we'll see what happens. When he proves himself, I will believe it." It says he trusted his word and left. He went home. He went home to hold his son, healed and well.

Could it be that our faith is a choice? We take all we've heard, all we've experienced and all we know and then....then, we must choose. The choice is completely up to us. No special gimmicks. No big show. Just a quiet decision made within our hearts.

What are you struggling to trust God with today? What choice will you make?