god's Voice

An Undefined Space

Your own ears will hear him.
Right behind you a voice will say,
"This is the way you should go,
whether to the right or to the left."
Isaiah 30:21 (NLT)

Yesterday, I attended a meeting with someone. The meeting was very successful and on the drive back to the office I commented on how my colleague decided to reach out to this man on a whim and that it went so well.

He said that he couldn't get the thought out of his head. It kept repeating itself over and over again. I said "Maybe you were hearing "The Voice." He said, "Yes, I kept hearing it somewhere between my head and my heart."

That comment resounded completely in my own head/heart space. When you hear God speaking, it lodges in the space of your head and your heart and it sticks. You know it is him. There is no doubt. You can't really explain it but there isn't really a need to try. There is a peace in this place that does not need to be explained. It just needs to be obeyed.