Leaning In

Who's Holding Who?

For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won’t walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.” The God who has compassion on you says so.  Isaiah 54:10 MSG

 “Mom, can you watch the kids Thursday night?” My daughter asked. Of course! Spending time with our grandkids is one of our favorite things. As the evening wore down and bedtime approached, I started getting the youngest, who I refer to as “the Little Prince”, adjusted to the fact that play time was ending.

 After a few minutes, we headed for the stairs. He said “Yiayia will you carry me?” Sure. I hoisted him up and with a grunt, headed up the stairs. He’s not as light as he used to be. My husband said “Are you ok?” I said “Yes, I’m fine but thank you.” The Little Prince wrapped his arms around my neck and said “It’s OK Yiayia. I’m holding on to you.”

 And my heart melted.

 Later, as I thought about this it made me think of God. He is always holding us, carrying us, helping us on the journey. It is God who is doing the heavy lifting, not me. Yet sometimes, in my head, I put too much credit on what I am doing and I forget who is really holding me and carrying me. My trust shifts to my abilities and not my Father’s love and willingness to hold me.

 What if, like my grandson, I lean into this journey with God? What if I relax and wrap my arms around him and say “I’m here God, holding on”? What if I trust those arms that carry me and remember that I don’t have to strive so hard but trust that the love that carries me is real. 

 When the Little Prince said it was OK because he was holding on, I giggled and snuggled him and my heart melted. I believe God does the same thing. He sees us where we are, sometimes confused and misdirected, and He loves us. I believe He laughs with us like we do our kids and grandkids. I believe He leans in and showers us with a gentle love that is deeper and more forever than we can comprehend.  

How would it change us to seek that love? The love that is never, ever going to let you down. How would it change your heart to lean in and believe it was meant for you?