Yard Sales and Obedience

“Lord, what do you want us to do for our gathering?”
“Go to Purcellville and ask people questions about the city.”
“Lord, that’s going to be hard. People are not going to want to do that.”

“Lord, what do you want us to do for our gathering?”
“Go to Purcellville and ask people questions about the city.”
“Lord, that’s going to be hard. People are not going to want to do that.”

“Lord, what do you want us to do for our gathering?”
No response.

I knew there was no response because I know that when he tells me to do something, he usually tells me once and doesn’t repeat himself. 

So, for weeks I delayed sharing this with the church plant. I thought it was a little scary to go somewhere, walk around and find people to start questioning. I was sure people were not going to want to talk to us. I was sure the church plant folks would think so too.

But the thoughts kept persisting and I knew this was the next step we had to do to be obedient. When I went to God to talk about it some more, he reminded me that my job was to be obedient to him and not worry about what everyone else was doing or going to do.

So, I shared with the church plant and we planned a trip to Purcellville on October 10. The plan was to meet there mid-afternoon at the building we’d been prayer walking. We would walk around and find folks on the street and ask them two questions; ‘What is it you like about your town?’ And ‘What would you put in place to improve Purcellville?’ The idea was to figure out how we could serve.

As we neared the town and I looked around, I was shocked (and confused) because there were people everywhere. I am talking lots of people walking all along Main Street from the start of it all the way through the center of the town. I want to say hundreds. I also noticed that all along the side of the streets were tables and booths set up with items for sale on them. Turns out it was their yearly Tag Sale. This is basically a town-wide yard sale that the city hosts once a year.

Oh my goodness! Suddenly it became very apparent that God lowered the bar so we could step into his plan and obey what he asked us to do with so little effort. Now, I know this is not always the case. I know sometimes obeying God is hard and takes courage but that is not what he decided for us today. Today, he allowed our obedience to be easy....and fun.

We walked around the town, stopped at different booths and tables and talked to people. We found out about the town, connected with people and had a really, really great time. God is so amazing. 

I am learning to step past my fears and obey. I am learning that he does things that I could never possibly expect or imagine. I am learning that whether it’s easy or hard, the best path is to always follow where he’s leading. 

I am still filled with joy over the field trip to the little town God has placed on our hearts. Not sure what he is going to do there, but I know he is going to do something....and I want to be involved.