Fighting Through

The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon. Nehemiah 4:17 (NLT)

What do you do when you are up against a difficult time? When you work so hard and you’re exhausted and it feels like not matter what you do you are taking two steps backwards. How do you handle the load and not get discouraged and give up?

Today’s Bible verse talks about that. The people were working hard. They were taking shifts, not sleeping, not bathing. They were exhausted but kept working. They worked with one hand while their other hand handled a weapon so they could defend themselves against their enemies.

I know some days it feels like you should just give up and throw in the towel. Goodness knows I’ve been there. I’ve told God I am tired and I want to give up. I imagine him saying “Oh my child, you are trying to carry the load by yourself. Use what I’ve given you and just keep walking.”

When I think of what God has given me, I realize I have weapons at my disposal I think of the Holy Spirit, the Bible and Prayer. The Holy Spirit because it is he that lives in me that gives me the strength and courage to keep going. He talks to me, guides me and reminds me of who God is. He puts the right people in place to encourage me and pray for me. The Bible is also how God speaks. When I read it, I am instructed, I am challenged and emboldened and my heart finds peace. During my prayer, I pour out my heart to God. The praises for who he is and all the way he shares his love, the petitions because I am always asking him for something - for help, for courage, for people’s healing and the prayers of surrender.

Nehemiah had these tools too. He relied on the Holy Spirit for direction and protection. All throughout his journey he prayed and prayed and prayed. He knew who God was and God’s promises. He had memorized the journey of his people and he recalled God’s power during those times. Nehemiah was given a really hard task. But he wasn’t given it to carry alone. God was working with him and through him the entire time.

Nehemiah’s story encourages me to never give up. Keep trusting in the God I know and use the weapons he’s given me to keep fighting.