Gotta Go

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” ‭Romans‬ ‭10:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There are some days that make you feel like you are being tossed in gigantic waves. Heck, sometimes I feel like I can’t get out of the storm. I know you’ve experienced them too. When I have those days, I want to hide. Not literally, but hide in my quiet space.

I want to stay in my worship time for a long period and just look at Jesus. I feel at peace there. When I am there, it doesn’t matter if I know what tomorrow brings. It doesn’t matter what I will get accomplished today. The fact that things feel like they are burning down around me doesn’t even matter. It’s during these times that I want to stay where I am and not venture out into the big, bad world.

That truly is an option right? I mean obviously I have to go out to do some things like work, buy groceries, etc. but I could limit my exposure to only those necessary things. How then, would I reconcile my relationship with Jesus and his directive to “Go.” Go and get to know people. Go and love my sheep. Go and care for them. Give them a safe place.

My quiet time isn’t just for me to feel better. Sure, that’s part of it but it’s really to get my feet back on the dock as I am being tossed about. It’s so I can be recharged and refreshed. Then, as I am filled with what gives me strength and hope, I can “Go” and share that with others.

If the Jesus we know can offer us peace, strength, courage, love and fulfillment, wouldn’t we want others to experience that as well? I think so. I think the love we feel for him would drive us to love others more than we love our comfort.

So, on the days that I want to stay put and be comfortable, I remember. I remember that if Jesus did the same thing, I’d be lost. He left comfortable and safe so I could experience him. Maybe, just maybe, we should do the same.