He's Got This

I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it. Ezekiel 17:24 (ESV)

As I listened to these words, I suddenly realized how silly I can be.

Notice what the text doesn’t say. It doesn’t say:

You are amazing! You want it, you can do it.   Or….
Look at all you’ve accomplished! Keep going, you can do it.   Or….
You are so smart and resourceful. You can figure it out.

No. It says “I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.”

Sometimes, as we look at our full plates or the balls in the air we think everything is up to us. We stress ourselves out worrying about how it is going to work or we exhaust ourselves trying to make it work.

But God says, let me do it. I am the only one qualified and I’ve already got it covered.

Are you trying to make something work that is not yours to handle? Maybe, we need to just trust what God says.