Fighting Back

Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray.  James 5:13 (NLT)

I was talking to someone the other day about a project that he was working. He was very frustrated because it seemed like he took two steps forward and one step back. Things seemed harder than they needed to be.

We shared together and prayed about it asking God to bless and to show the path.

As we were leaving each other, I turned around and said “Keep your chin up.” He smiled and said, “When you go into battle you are supposed to keep your chin down.” I laughed and agreed. As I walked toward my car he said “You know, when you bow your head in prayer, you are keeping your chin down too.”

And so it is. When circumstances seem to battle against us and just getting to the next step seems harder than it should be, we have to take up our battle stance. And that stance is prayer. With our head bowed, we give to God what is always his; the battle, the outcome and the victory. And then, we keep walking ready for the fight.